falling in love


Hi, I’m Audrey.  As a native of Denver, Colorado, and having been raised a city girl, I could never envision living anywhere else, or outside of the big city….then I met my future husband.  Paul attended Lyndon State College and always wanted to come back to the Northeast Kingdom.  So, in 1999 he convinced me to give it a try and we moved to Vermont with our three young children. It’s been 21 years and we haven’t looked back since! Vermont has embedded itself into my heart and I just can’t leave. Yep, I Fell In Love!

Two Tamales 

A mother-daughter owned business in Vermont. We have been making Tamales in our family for years and a year ago we decided to try it in Vermont. We are proud to use as many fresh ingredients as possible to make authentic Mexican food.

“Supporting our community one ingredient at a time.”